Horse Racing Museums

There are hundreds of Horse Racing museums around the world. In the United States most of the major horse racing tracks have rooms or pavilions dedicated to the history of horse racing and all aspects of the sport. Sometimes there are exhibits featuring photographs, and various forms of horse racing memorabilia such as clothing, trophies, saddles and even actual stables from days long passed.

How to Introduce Friends and Family to the Joys of Horse Racing

There is something in horse racing for everyone. Punters focus on odds betting, but others, including children, can enjoy caring for horses and learning about the courageous exploits of jockeys. Horse Racing Museums and Halls of Fame present a wonderful opportunity to develop a love for the sport. Most top race tracks around the world have areas set aside for memorabilia of famous horses, successful jockeys and thrilling events associated with their establishments.

The Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington is not to be missed by people even with only a passing interest in horse racing. The Park covers more than a thousand acres of the incomparable Bluegrass area of Kentucky, which has bred and raised some of the most remarkable race horses of all time. More than 50 breeds of horses are on display here, and the International Museum of the Horse and the Hall of Champions are worthwhile attractions.

Amarillo in Texas is home to the American Quarter Horse Heritage Center and Museum. Videos and live shows accompany a fascinating collection of artifacts and some classic paintings as well. The complex is a fitting tribute to a special form of horse racing that is closely linked to our history as a nation. Children love petting and having their pictures taken with the majestic animals. The Harness Racing Museum and Hall of Fame in Goshen, NY, is another place that everyone from die-hard horse racing enthusiast to visitors who are new to horse racing can enjoy.

America’s oldest racecourses are living museums in their own right. The Fair Grounds Racecourse is the oldest in the country, which still hosts events. The Metairie and Louisiana Courses are other early 19th century US racecourses, which are still in operation. Genuine horse racing enthusiasts love to attend events at these historic sites.

The National Horse Racing Museum in Newmarket is a key UK institution worthy of international fame. Tours here include visits to the stables to see horses being exercised and trained. There is also a horse racing simulator for amateurs who would like to experience the thrills of riding a powerful and spirited race horse. The Cheltenham Hall of Fame is another horse racing museum of note in the country, and offers lessons to assist budding jockeys to realise their dreams.

Canada has an annual ceremony to add the names of both animals and people who have accomplishments of note in the world of horse racing to their Hall of Fame located in Toronto, Ontario. France, Germany, Japan and Australia are some of the other countries that pay tribute to legendary race horses and jockeys by preserving bios and pictures. Each of these places can add zest and variety to every holiday abroad, or an interlude during a business trip.

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