Old Henry Clay

Old Henry Clay was 15 ¼ hands in height, and was born in 1837 on Long Island. He was often referred to as the “Father of American Trotting Horses” or even “America’s National Thoroughbred Trotting Horse”. Old Henry Clay was bought by Colonel William W. Wadsworth of New York, who resided in Livingston County. This elegantly beautiful horse is well known for his bloodline and the offspring that he sired. The Americo-Arab, which is listed first in the American Arabian stud book listing, are said to be direct descendants from Arabian Horses that were crossed with Old Henry Clay's descendants.

Randolph Huntington was a great admirer of the horse, Old Henry
People had also reported that Old Henry Clay had amazing strength and
endurance, and was able to pull a buggy, with five passengers,
at a trot, over a distance of approximately 75 miles. This was an
display of fitness and a demonstration of elegance that was combined
endurance. The Henry Clay bloodline possessed all the features and
characteristics that made a perfect American horse, and an even more
desirable trotting horse.

After serving his years as a trotting horse that was admired and loved, while having achieved a measure of fame, Old Henry Clay was retired from his working life,
lived out the remainder of his days as a breeding stallion. The horse
was known as the “Father of American Trotting Horses” passed away in
in Lodi, New York. He left behind his bloodline and
legacy of being America’s National Thoroughbred Trotting Horse.

It was only through his trading of horses that Randolph Huntington
started to realize the worth and the importance of the Henry Clay
that was disappearing at a rapid rate. He started buying descendants of
Henry Clay, and managed to get his hands on the most desirable sons,
daughters and granddaughters of Henry Clay. The Clay bloodline was the
sought after and best bloodline of its day, and Huntington came to the
conclusion that the rare qualities that are found in the Clay
bloodline, are
the result of Arabian horses that were bred with Young Bashaw, Grand
Andrew Jackson, and most importantly, Old Henry Clay.

Fourteen years after Old Henry Clay had been laid to rest, his
was exhumed and put on display at the Ward’s Natural Science
On 22 April 1881, under the protection and supervision of Randolph
Huntington, Old Henry Clay was donated to the United States National
Today, only Henry Clay’s mandible and parts of his skeleton have
and are looked after and safely stored away at the Smithsonian Museum
Support Centre, as part of their research collection.